To keep the Lockdown blues away
These things do keep me cheery
I’m always listening to Radio 2
It keeps me from being weary
Then there’s quizzes, with different peeps
Still not boring, despite twice a week
They keep the brain good and active
9 months and more, and never bleak
A regular schedule of zooms and skypes
With different folks almost every night
A lengthy chat with a single friend
Every Whisky Friday, a beacon of light
A weekly call with my elderly neighbour
Twice daily skypes with my shielded Mum
Trying to stave off the return of her deafness
But teaching her to Zoom has been fun
I’m now really starting to miss swimming
But enjoyed the shopping and some decorating
A new set of drums, the neighbour’s moving!
But the lack of my cleaner, I’m really hating
I miss my friends, tonight’s a zoom funeral
But we keep on going, every day anew
Movies to make, and spreadsheets to fix
But bring on the vaccine, I’m in the queue!
7th January 2021
© Alison Passey First Published 2021 All Rights Reserved